How to Create Multiple Gmail Inboxes to Better Sort Your Mail

If you prefer to take a sort of dashboard approach to sorting email, Gmail has you covered. Gmail allows you to create up to four distinct inboxes for anything you’d like, and sort your mail using pre-defined labels. If you’re already using labels, and filters, you can automatically sort the email to the appropriate inbox, without having to check filters in the sidebar.

In essence, the feature acts as a separator for email that belongs in a specific category -- subscriptions, travel, receipts, etc. You can add an inbox for anything, but you’re limited to four.

1. Open Gmail and login, if necessary.

2. Click the gear icon in the upper right and select Settings.

3. Click Inbox from the tabs at the top.

4. Select Priority Inbox from the dropdown to the right of Inbox type.

5. Click Add section and select an option. I’m going to click More Options and add the label I have set up for Subscriptions. You can do this with any label, or create a new one. When combined with filters, Gmail can sort your mail automatically into the appropriate section.

6. Click Save Changes.

Google Docs Tips