How to Make and Answer iPhone Calls on Your iPad

You can use your iPhone to make and receive calls. Every iOS device and  Macintosh computer running macOS you have connected to the same Apple ID and on the same WiFi network will get notified. You can also make phone calls from your iPad without cellular service over your WiFi network using your iPhone. You will no longer have to race to the charging station to answer the phone.

1. Click Accept when you get a notification on your iPad about a new phone call. You can click Decline to send them to voicemail. You can also request a reminder to call them back or reply with a text message.

2. Start talking as usual. You don't need headphones or a Mic as the call will be routed through your iPad audio and microphone. You can click Mute to silence your end or click End to hang up. If they have Facetime available you can even switch to video.

3. Open your Contacts and hover over the phone number you want to call. Click on the small blue phone icon that appears.

4. Tap the red button to hang up. You can also mute the call, dial other numbers, change the audio source or return to contacts.

macOS Guide

Jennifer Kyrnin
Jennifer Kyrnin has been building websites since 1995, and teaching others how to do it since 1997. She's written several books on the topic, and is probably working on another one right now. And she does it all on her beloved iMac and sometimes her MacBook Air.