Crash Bandicoot 4 had an awful launch on PC - Here's why you might want to avoid it

Crash Bandicoot 4 had an awful launch on PC
(Image credit: Activision)

Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time made its debut last year, and it happened to revive one of the best and hardest platformers of all time (fight me). However, it recently launched on PC, exclusively on, and was immediately hit with issues.

For some reason, the mostly single-player game, requires you to be online to actually play it, and because of that, people couldn't play the game at launch when started experiencing issues with its authentication servers. Then, a cracking group broke the online requirements. Here's what happened.

Crash has an online issue

Soon after launch, Blizzard's authentication servers went offline for several hours, and since Crash Bandicoot 4 can't be played without an internet connection, players lost access to the game they just bought.

It didn't take long for Blizzard to fix the issue, however, as it announced that the servers fixed two hours later. Although this isn't the first time that Blizzard has had server issues this month, so it's be frustrating to see this single player game bogged down by online issues.

On Saturday, Ars Technica reported that a cracking group broke the online requirements and got Crash Bandicoot 4 to play without having to be online. It's unclear why Blizzard-Activision went this route with Crash 4, especially when you can play the game offline on consoles.

Unless PC is your only option for playing Crash 4, I recommend staying away from this version, especially if you're prone to playing offline.

Rami Tabari

Rami Tabari is an Editor for Laptop Mag. He reviews every shape and form of a laptop as well as all sorts of cool tech. You can find him sitting at his desk surrounded by a hoarder's dream of laptops, and when he navigates his way out to civilization, you can catch him watching really bad anime or playing some kind of painfully difficult game. He’s the best at every game and he just doesn’t lose. That’s why you’ll occasionally catch his byline attached to the latest Souls-like challenge.