PS5 DualSense controller leaks — and it looks like a futuristic boomerang

PS5 DualSense controller
PS5 DualSense controller (Image credit: Sony)

The PS5 DualSense controller has once again been spotted in the wild. The eye-catching image, posted by Twitter user Gamezawy, is circulating around social media and generating a lot of buzz.

We got our first glimpse of the PS5 DualSense controller on Resetera last week, but many questioned the authenticity of the leaked image. Gamezawy's Twitter post, on the other hand, is a little bit more convincing. 

The new leaked PS5 DualSense controller image

Gamezawy, an Egyptian retailer, electrified Twitter by posting a higher quality, more convincing image of the PS5 DualSense controller.

The image features a hand gripping the left stem of the controller and — er — an awkward shot of the picture taker's foot that's inciting some mocking from snide Twitter trolls.

Moving on from photobombing feet, with Sony optimizing the PS5 controller's ergonomic features with curvier handles, the DualSense controller looks like a futuristic boomerang. 

Gamezawy vs. Resetera: Which PS5 DualSense controller leak is more convincing?

Compared to the Resetera leak, the gamer world is more convinced by Gamezawy's photo because it has a higher resolution and features accurate shadows and lighting. Plus, the PS5 DualSense controller isn't disproportionately large like the image leak found on Resetera.

PS5 DualSense Controller

(Image credit: Lant_War)

Analyzing the Resetera image, hawk-eyed gamers say that the way the PS5 DualSense controller is being held in the photo is suspiciously clumsy and awkward, insinuating that a digital artist superimposed the controller on a hand for visual deception. The quality of the Resetera image leak is also worse than Gamezawy's post. Many also point out that the digital artist failed to scale the PS5 DualSense controller into believable proportions, making it too large.

Still, we're not forensic image experts. Gamezawy's post could be inauthentic as well. Either the latest PS5 DualSense controller image leak is an amazing Photoshop job or it's actually real.

Kimberly Gedeon

Kimberly Gedeon, holding a Master's degree in International Journalism, launched her career as a journalist for MadameNoire's business beat in 2013. She loved translating stuffy stories about the economy, personal finance and investing into digestible, easy-to-understand, entertaining stories for young women of color. During her time on the business beat, she discovered her passion for tech as she dove into articles about tech entrepreneurship, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and the latest tablets. After eight years of freelancing, dabbling in a myriad of beats, she's finally found a home at Laptop Mag that accepts her as the crypto-addicted, virtual reality-loving, investing-focused, tech-fascinated nerd she is. Woot!