Cyberpunk 2077 update is — surprise, surprise — delayed! Here's why

Cyberpunk 2077 has gone gold
(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

"Cyberpunk 2077" and "delayed" are two phrases that seem to go hand-in-hand these days, and unfortunately, today is no different. CD Projekt Red, the Polish game developer behind the oft-delayed IP, tweeted that Cyberpunk 2077's much-needed update has been — you guessed it — delayed.

CD Projekt Red claims that Patch 1.2 has been pushed back to a later date due to a recent cyberattack it suffered at the hands of a malicious hacker.

Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.2 delayed

A new Cyberpunk 2077 update was poised to be released to PS4, PS5, PC, Google Stadia, Xbox One and Series X/S users this month, but CD Projekt Red is halting Patch 1.2, citing concerns about its recent ransomware attack.

As we reported in early February, Cyberpunk 2077 suffered a security breach. The unidentified hacker threatened to expose the game's underlying software code. The malicious actor also left a ransom note to the embattled developer and threatened to release the Polish company's internal documents if it did not meet the hacker's demands.

“We will not give in to the demands nor negotiate with the actor, being aware that this may eventually lead to the release of the compromised data,” CD Projekt said in response to the ransomware attack. “We are taking necessary steps to mitigate the consequences of such a release, in particular by approaching any parties that may be affected due to the breach.”

As a result of being compromised, CD Projekt Red is rightly deciding to take its time with the next major Cyberpunk 2077 update to ensure nothing goes awry. Cyberpunk 2077 has been embroiled in enough controversy, enduring negative press from its delays and less-than-impressive release. It doesn't need backlash from a wonky upgrade to pour salt on its wounds.

"It’s not the news we enjoy sharing," CD Projekt Red said, tweeting about the delay, "but we want to make sure we launch this update properly. Stay tuned for more information as the time draws closer. Thank you for your continued patience and support."

CD Projekt Red hasn't outlined what issues Patch 1.2 will rectify, but we do know it will be one massive update. The company didn't give an exact date for Patch 1.2, but the Polish game developer is aiming for the second half of March.

Kimberly Gedeon

Kimberly Gedeon, holding a Master's degree in International Journalism, launched her career as a journalist for MadameNoire's business beat in 2013. She loved translating stuffy stories about the economy, personal finance and investing into digestible, easy-to-understand, entertaining stories for young women of color. During her time on the business beat, she discovered her passion for tech as she dove into articles about tech entrepreneurship, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and the latest tablets. After eight years of freelancing, dabbling in a myriad of beats, she's finally found a home at Laptop Mag that accepts her as the crypto-addicted, virtual reality-loving, investing-focused, tech-fascinated nerd she is. Woot!