Find Out What She's Really Thinking … On Pinterest

It's no secret that many people Google their dates to find out more about them because, after all, your date's profile may not tell the whole story. If you really want to see what tickles her fancy, take a look at her Pinterest boards.

Pinterest is the hot new social networking site that has attracted women in droves. In just a few months, it has grown from less than 5 million users at the end of November 2011 to more than 12 million users — and more than 80 percent are women. They create boards of what they like at the moment — clicking away and "pinning" photos of fashion, food, hobbies, inspirational quotes and yes, even men.

So, guys, if you're not sure about the picture she presented last night, check out her Pinterest account — that demure woman could turn out to be "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." And if you've been dating for a while, and you both agree it's casual — you may be shocked to see a board covered in wedding dresses. Consider yourself forewarned.

Unlike with Facebook  where you have to be a "friend" to view her page, Pinterest boards  are public, meaning anyone can view them.

Here's how to start sleuthing:

Type her name in the search box. By default, Pinterest serves up "pins," but on this page, click "People" to display results matching the name you typed. If she has a Pinterest account and is using her own name (most do), you'll see her profile picture on this page. Click on it to go to her profile page to see her boards. Happy hunting!

 Article provided by TechNewsDaily, a sister site to
